For Kids

Library School

Library School is a family focused program designed to help aid in building strong and effective interpersonal relationships with little ones and the grownups in their lives.

At Library School, we provide a weekly story time, craft, and/or sensory based play activities to help spark your child’s curiosity and help to develop a love for reading and a desire to learn.

After-School Classes

  • Art Class

    • Students will have the chance to learn different styles and techniques while using a wide range of mediums such as paint, colored pencils, crayons, chalk, markers, etc. in their work throughout these sessions.

  • Junior Genealogy

    • Students will have the opportunity to learn about their family tree, discover their ancestors, and acquire knowledge about the history their family had lived through.

  • Guitar Lessons

    • We offer local teenagers the opportunity to take free guitar lessons at the library. Teens can start in beginner level lessons to lead them into the world of music.

  • Book Besties

  • Junior Book Club

  • Robotics

    • A student-favorite club, Robotics allows kids to learn how to piece build and program mini-robots and then compete against one another.

Summer— Reading Camps


  • This club will give students the opportunity to strategize, create, and build while acquiring teamwork skills in the midst of competition.