For Adults

Maker Space

Tech Room

  • The Tech room offers computers and laptops that can be used for research and video conferences. Gaming systems are also available from consoles, to computers, to VR headsets.

  • The Tech room also has beginner level projects to partake in such as drones, 3d printing, and lego robotics.

Book Clubs

  • Book Club is held once a month on the Fourth Tuesday starting at Noon. A group discussion on the selected title is held and the selection of the next book is chosen. Each meeting runs for about an hour and you are encouraged to bring lunch.

  • Page Turners is held every 2 weeks on Thursdays starting at 6pm. This group discusses what books members are reading and recommends books to each other. 

GED & ESL Classes

  • The library now offers General Education Development or Diploma (GED/HSE) classes for those wanting to attain their high school diploma equivalent. Classes are held on Saturdays. Contact the library at 903-378-2206 for more information.

  • The library now offers English as a Second Language (ESL) classes for those seeking to strengthen their English speaking skills. Classes are held on Saturdays. Contact the library at 903-378-2206 for more information.

Genealogy Classes

  • Genealogy sessions are held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month starting at 6pm. Come to discover helpful tips on compiling your family tree and the history behind it.

Photography Club

  • The Honey Grove Photography Club meets on the 1st Tuesday of every month starting at 5:30 pm. This club is open to anyone with a love for photography. Come and join to learn new and exciting ways to improve your photos!

Pop Up Classes